Page 45 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 45

                                                 CANADI AN  ARMY  POSTMARKS
                                                    AYP11BD  IN  ~AMAlCA.
                                                       Type  M-CA  lB.

                                        FORCES                                    -i --··-· .. ·············!
                                                                                  .           i
                                       AIR  LETTER                                            l
                                     . LETTRE-A VION
                                   PouR MILITAIRG :rt,·r

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                                                                    a.  v.  rurneaus.
                                                     -------·-·-·---------·---··---·--··-·tas-· .. w m:tesieT  Cr.r-··-··-:---···-
                                                         --..... ____ .. ___ ...lQ~g!?n, Ont~--~------

                                5 AM.S.  (12/63)

                        Canadian  Forces  Air  Mail  1 etter  franked  by  the  6c  value  of

                         the  Canadian  ctsme s  issue  of  1969  which  is  cancelled  by
                        M-CA  lB  dater  of  the  4~h  Pebruary,  1970.                The  letter  is
                         endorsed  on  the  reverse , "Major  P.  Bouvette,  R  Z.Z.e  Regimen-t,

                         CPPO  5003 ~  J"amaica    11  •
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