Page 47 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 47

                                          CANADIAN  ARMY  - PERSONAL  HANDSTAHP.


                        Reverse  of cover  from  Kingston  to  Toronto  with  handstamp
                        "\-ION.  MAJ"OR  P .  :r.  DYl<ER,/S£R!AL  300,  - "Y"  ~ORCE  - /CAIJADIAN

                        ARMY  OV.ERSE.AS"  ih  'black  block  satJs  se:ri£  type.               The  cove.r
                        is  franked  by  the  King  G.eorge  Vl  6d  yalue  o£  1938  attd  is
                        cancelled  by  Kihgstoh  d~lble  circle  da~er o£ the  sin

                        Ociobe~~  1942  - ~hen the  1st Baiialion  o£  the  Argyle  and
                        Sutherland  Highlanders  o:£  Cat1ada..  ~e:re  il1  J"a~ca - tne
                        obverse  also  bears  Cahadian  Ar~ censorsnip  hohdstamp  CAC  2,
                        Type  (ii),  ~o.  2  st~uck  jh  p~ack  in~,
   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52