Page 52 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 52

                                                  ~ILlTARY CENSORSHIP  HAMDSTAMPS
                                                         OF  THE  CANADIAN  NAVY.
                                                           Poster  - M-~CNC 1~


                         Cover  addressed  ~o Myrtle  ~ank Hotel,  ~ingston,  which  appears
                         to have  been  landed  at J"a.maica  from  a  Canadian  ship  s-tationed
                         in  ~amaican water6.             The  cover  bears  M-RCNC  1,  which  is

                         dated  in  manuscrip-t  the  2?rd  October,  1941,  and  the  reverse
                         of  the  cover bears  Myrtle  Bank  double  circle  receiving

                         of'  the  28th  October,  1941.              '.r\-te  cover  also  bears  "POSTA~E
                         PAID"  handstamp  s-irucl<  in  purple,  as  the  serviceman  would  be
                          exempt  from  postage  if he  was  on  board  snip,  such  handstamp

                         being  designaied  M-A  16.
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