Page 49 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 49

                                     CAMADIAN  LKGION  WAR  S~RVICES ENVELOPE .

                                                       Type  M -     CAPS  2r

                        Canadian  Legion  cover  from  Kiheston  to  Hamilton  franked  by

                        the  6d  value  of  ~he King  George  VI  issue  o~ ~938 - 1952,
                        which  is  cancelled  by  ~ing~ton ~aahine dater  o£  the  3rd
                        Octobe~,  1942.          ~he date  of ~o~ing indicates thai  t~e
                       'cover  was  sent  by  a  member  of the  lst Battalion  of the

                        Argyll  and  Sutherland Highlanders                  of Canada  and  ~he
                        obverse  of the  cover bears  the  unit  censorship  handst~~p,

                        Type  M - CAC  2,  ~o .  6,  siruck  in blAck  ink.
   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52