Page 46 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 46

                                               MILITARY  UNIT  HANDS"rAMPS
                                                  OP  THE  CANADIAN  ARMY.
                                                                CAU  ;1..

                              The  second handstamp  referred ~o above  wa~ tha~ belonging
                        to 'rhe  1st ~a-ti:alion  of  -tbe  Argyll and  Su-therland  Highlanders

                        of  Canada  comprising  a  double  lined  oval handsiamp  of
                        50  mm  x  31.  mm.      The  wording  is ''lsi .Bn.  A  &  Stt  of  C  (PL)
                        A.F. ",  wi-th  the particular  Company  designation  added .                  It
                        has  only  been  recorded  in black  ink,  and  ihe  dates  of  usage

                        correspond  to  the  Unit's  stay  in ~amaica.

                          ___ /

                         Shown  above  is an  active  servioe  post  card,  undated,  to  a
                         cigarette  club at Hsmilton  with  CAU  2  handsiamp  and  ihe
                         designation  "HQ  Coy.  Company  Of'£ioe".                The  card  also bears

                         CAUl  in black  and  censor  handstamp  CAC  2,  Type  (ii),
                         Number  6,  also  in blaok.              ~he card has  also  been  signed
                         by  the  censoring  officer,  J~ W .  ~l.i.  and  is free  post.
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