Page 51 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 51

                                                MILITA-RY  CENSORS"H IP  H ANDST AMPS
                                                        or  T:H £  CANAJ)IAN  NAVY.
                                                         Foster  -     ~-RCNC 1.

                              This  censol:'ship  hands-tamp  is  the  general  type  is.sued  to
                        ships  of  the  Royal  Canadian  Navy,  being  worded,  u.rrorn  H.M.C.
                        sbip'w in  mix.ed  setif  -type  on  the  :first  line.             The  secohd

                        and  third  lines  colwlprise  the  words,  ''PASSED/EY  CE:NSOR"  in
                        heavy  sans  serif  type,  4 t  1\lm  high,  and  at the  b ot-lorn  of'  the

                        handstamp  appear  ihe  words,  "Signature"  and  "]ate                 11   in tnixed
                        sans  serif ~ype.            The  wording  is  enclosed  in  a  single  line
                        frame,  46  mm  x  37  mm  and  the  handstamp  has  only  been  seen
                         st.ruck  in  red.

                              A5  in  the  case  o£  all ~he genera1  censorship markings  of
                        bot.h  the Royal  Nav-y  and  the Royal  Canadian  Navy  it is,  o:fte:n

                        difficult  to  de-termine  -bhe  area  :frotn  which  the  cover  was
                         sent,  but  it i8  known  -that  ships  o:f  the Royal  Canadian  Navy
                         did  serve  on  the  'qJ"amaica"  station during  the  Second  World

                        'IJar .
                         EKD1  2}/10/1941                                         I.KD:
   46   47   48   49   50   51   52