Page 40 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 40

                                           MILl'rARY  CEM'SORSHIP  HANDSTAMPS

                                                  OP  THE  CANADIAN  ARMY.
                                                         M  - CAC  4.
                                                          'rype  (ii) .

                                                .        {]J~
                                             A A~ A A G' A

                                                           Number  325.

                        Air  mail  Cover  from  Kingston  to  Pete~borough,  Canada,  franked
                        by  the  6a  v~U& of  the  XiQg  Qeorge  VI  issue  of 1938  which  is
                         cancelled  by Kingsion machine  daier  of  ihe  6th  December,

                        1944.       The  cov~r bear~ M-CAC  4.  Type  {ii),  Number  325  in
                         qreenish  Elue  ink  and  is one  o£  iwo  recorded  copies  of ihia
                        handstamp  to  date.
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