Page 39 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 39

                                           MILITARY  CENSORSHlP  HANDSTAMPS
                                                  OF THE  CANADIAN  MUtt.
                                                          trt  - CAC  4·

                                                          Type  (ii).

                                    ~. _/?r. r~

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                                                           Number  Jl6.
                         A  registered  air mail  letter £rom  Kingston  to Peterborough,

                         Canada,  franked  by the  -,d  8.nd  6d  values  of 'bhe  19-,a  I<ing
                         George  VI  issue  which  are  cancelled  by Kingston  ova~

                         regiQtration  da~er of  th~ 15th  November,  1944.                       The  9d
                         raie  represents  ~e air mail  rate  o1  6d  for  a  half ounce
                         letter plus  3d  for  ine  regis~ation fee,  and  Tom  Fo~ter

                         believed  this  cover  to  ~e ihe  only  recorded  registered  item
                         from 'Th.e  l'reckville             The  cover bears  M-CAC.  4,

                         Type  (ii),  Number  ~16 in  qreenisb Blue  ink  and  also  one  of
                         "The  Fellowship  of  -the  Bellows"  labels  sold  in aid  o~ ihe
                         local  "Spitfire"  Fund.
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