Page 34 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 34

                                               MiiLITARY  CENSORSHIP  HANDSTAMPS
                                                       OF  THE  CANADIAN  ARHY.

                                                              M - CAC  4.
                                                               'r)'pe   (i).

                                                          Number  316.
                         Air  mail  le tier £nom  Kingston  to Chicago,  U. S. A.  "franked

                         at  6d,  the  stamp  beimg  cancelled  by  Kingsbon  ~achine da1er
                         a£  the  29'f;1t  April J  1944.          The  cover  bears  M-CA C.  fJ  Type
                         (i),  Number  ~16 struck  in  blue;  the  letter was  sent  by  a

                     .  ~ember o£  the  Irish  FU~iliers o~ Canada.
   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39