Page 30 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 30

                                            ~lLI'l'ARY CEKSORSHI"P  HANDSTAUPS .
                                                   OF  THE  CANADIAN  ARKY.
                                                           M - CAC  2.

                                                           i'y_pe  (iii)

                                               ~.rf.¥ 4

                                                   ~~5 %-dut~ -&-~

                                                     2/~~ ~ rP



                                                           lro  Number.
                        Air  mail  cover  from  a  maMber  of the lsi Battalion  of the

                        l~ish :Fusiliers,  ''A"  Company,  to Victoria,  B.C.  franked  by  a
                        pair  of -the  ~ value  o:f  the  .King  ~eorge VI.  issue  of  19-,8.
                        The  stamps  are  canee11ed  by  Kingston  double  circle dater  of

                         the  24-th  Augus-t  - presUJilably 1943  - baving  regard  -to  -ihe
                        dates  of i:ne  tour  o£ du-ty  o.f'  thi.s "Battalion.                The  cover
                         bears M-CAC  2,  Type  (iii),  withoui  a  number  added  to  ihe

                         handawmp,  which  is struck  in  purple.
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