Page 35 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 35

                                              ~ULl'fA R't  c.eNSORSHtP  HANDSTAMPS
                                                     Of  'l'HE- CAJ:.IADIAN  AR/1{ ,
                                                             M  - CAC  4.

                                                              Type  ( i).

                                                                                 /. .

                                                          Num'be.r  J 16 .

                         Ait  mail  lette:r- f'rom  )<itte.ston  to  Tol')'it'lgton,  Albert4i ,
                         franKeQ  at 6d         ~~ stamp  being  can~elled by  Kingston
                         m~c'hine aa-ter  of  the  S~h J"lUle,  1944·               The  cover bears
                         H-CAC  4,  TypQ  (i),  ~umbe~ 316  str~ck in  qeep  blue  inX,  a~d
                         was  sent  b~  a  ma~ber of  ~hQ Irish  Fusili~s o~ Canada ,  the
                         Vancouver  ~egi~ent .
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