Page 31 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 31

                                           MILJ'I'ARY  CENSORSHIP  HANl>STAMPS

                                                  OP  THE  CA.NAJ)IAN  ARMY.
                                                          H  - CAC  2.
                                                          Type  (iii).

                        "During  the  period  when  the  Irish Fusiliers  of  Canada  and  the
                        'Brockville Rifles  were  on  garrison duiy,  18-f:h  Kay,  194?  -to
                        February) 1946,  one  of  -the  Type  M-CAC.  ~'  handstarnps  was  iss'Qed

                        wi-thout  a  numeral  after  the  nota-tion  "No".                It is believed
                        that  this na!1dstamp  was  issued  :for  the  use  of  any  additional
                        unit,  ancl  it is  recorded  struck  in  purple  or gree.nish  blue,

                        and  was  used  by  both.  l3attalions.
                        E~D;      18/5/1943                                      LKD:        / 2/1946


                                                         ~'' 13Df  'NJ·


                                                                                       B c.

                                                          No  N'umbel-.
                       Air  mail  cover  from  a  member  of  the Brigade  Headquarter s  to
                       British  Columbia  bearing  M-CAC  2.  (iii)  struck  in  greenish

                       blue.         It bears  the  words,  ''Support  Coy'',  which  macte  have
                        been  added  later ,  but  the  yeer  is  omitted  from  -the  dater.
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