Page 27 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 27

                                               MILITAR¥  CRNSORSHlP  HANnSTAMPS

                                                      Or  THE  CANADIAN  ARMY.
                                                              M - CAC  2..
                                                                                                0   --  ••••   0   ••
                                                              Type  ( ii) .

                         ~0 -

                                                                                                   ~~. ;

                                                                                 VIA AIR  MAl= - ~~ •

                                    1Irs .  TL  L.  Harris ,

                                      ALLISTON,  Ont ario,  CANADA.

                                                            «umber  8.

                          Air  mail  covel"  from  a  tnember  of  "'i       11   Force  to  Alliston,
                          Ontario,  £ranked  at 1/-,  the  stamps  being  cancelled  by
                          Kingston  double  circle  dater  of the  9th  Harch,  1942.
                          The  coverbears M- CAC  2,  Type  (ii),  Nu~ber S  struck  in

                          black  ink  and  tne  reverse  bears  Alliston  single  circle
                          receivi~ dater  of the  l}tb  March,  1942.
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