Page 29 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 29

                                         MILlTAFY  CENSORSHIP  HANDSTAMPS
                                                 OF  THE  CANADIAN  ARMY.

                                                        M - CAC  2.
                                                        Type  (ii).

                           CANADIAN .          LEG I ON

                                    WAR  SERVICES

                         'A R  AVIO N  •  VIA  AIR  MA IL  •  COR II lO  Alll O

                                                           Number  8 .
                          Cartadian  Legion  War  Services  cove~ sent  b~  air mail  from
                          Kingston  ~o ~a~ilion,  Ont.  Canada.                   These  covers  were

                          supplied  by  "The  Legion"  to  Canadian  service  personnel,
                          the  above  cover being  Type  CPS  2 .              The  cover bears

                          M- CAC  2,  Type  (ii),  Wumber  8  struc~ in  black  ink  and
                          is  franked  at  ihe  ai r  mail  rate  or 6d,  ihe  siamp  beihg
                          cancelled  by  ~ingston double  circle dater  of the  29in

                          J"une,  1942.
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