Page 33 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 33

                                           MILITARY  CENSORS~IP HA~STAMPS
                                                  OP THE  CANADIAN  ARMY.

                                                         M  - CAC  4·

                             The  fourth  of  the  censorship handstamps  was  the  one

                        which  replaced  the  ''Y"  Force nandsmps,  and  consis-ted  of
                         a  ~ick single  circle  21  ~ diameter  surMounted  by  a  Crown.
                         The  ha.nclstamp  bears  -the  ~ords ''CANADIAN  ARMY"  in san  serif

                         ca.pi~als 2  ~m high  the  words  being separated  by  dots.
                         There  is a  central  censor  number  in type  ?  mm  high.

                             This handstamp has  been divided  into  -two  sub-groups,
                         in ~he same  way  as  M-CAC  2,  depending  on  Unit  user  and  it
                         would  appear  that  perhaps  only  one  censor  number  was

                         allocated  to  each  battalion  or  regiment.                   This  ~oint is
                         •ade because  in ihe  case  of  the  Vancouver Regiment  that
                         Regiment's handstamp  appears  to have  been handed  over  to  the

                         relief "Regimen-b.             The  subsequen-t  cla1;es  of  usage  o£  this
                         handstamp  covers  ~he ~e1ievingUni~, making  two  handstamps
                         £or -the  .BrocKville lUf'les.

                                                          Typa  (i).
                              The  sub-group  under ~ype (i)  comprises  Censor  ~umber

                         ;16  i~ Blue  belonging to  ~he Irish  Fu~iliers o~ Canada
                         The  Vancouver "Regiment.              1-t  is  assumed  -tha-t  this numbered
                         bandstamp  was  allocated -to  that Unit  on  a  regimental  basis

                         ta be used  irrespective of where  the "Regimen-t  was  s-tation~d.

                        :BKD:     ?/~/1944..                              LKD:  l/4/1944·

                                                          Type  (ii).
                              Within  -this  su'b-group  are  -the  band stamps used  by  -the
                         last Canadian Uni~ to be  stationed  in the island during ~he

                         Secona  World  War,  The Brockville Rifles.                     As  tnen·Honed
                         above,  however,  ii would  appear  that  on  being relieved  ~e

                         Vancouver Regiment  'tnust  have handed "their  hands-tamp  over  -to
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