Page 28 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 28

                                            MILITARY  CENSORSHIP  HANDSTAMPS
                                                   OF  THE  CAN~DIAN ARMY.

                                                          M - CAC:  2.
                                                          Type  (ii).

                                                            Number  8.

                         Air mail  cover  from  Kingston  to Hamilton  being !ranked  at
                         1/-,  the  air mail  rate  for  a  half  ounce  letier to  Canada.
                         The  stamp  is  cancelled by Kingston  machine  canceller da1er

                          of  the  28th May,  1942,  and ihe  cover  bears M-CAC  2,  Type  (ii)
                          Number  8  in Black  ink.
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