Page 26 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 26

                                           MILITARY  CRNSORSHIP  MANDSTAMPS
                                                  OF  ~RE CANADIAN  ARMY.
                                                          M - CAC  2..

                                                          'rype  (i1).

                                                                                                - -    ~ -

                             BY AIR  MAlL

                                 ~0   I

                                                            Number  6 .
                         Air roail  cover  posted  at Kingston  on  ihe  2nd  December,  ~941,

                         and  franked  at 1/-,  -the  air mail  ra-te  for  a  ha1.:f  ounce
                         letter io  Canada,  the  cover being adiressed to  ~oronto.
                         ~be cover  bears M· CAC  2,  Type  (ii),  Number  6  in ~lue ink;

                         but  there  are  no  receiving daiers#
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