Page 22 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 22

                                              MILITARY  CENSORSHIP  fiANDS'fAHPS
                                                     OF  TU~ CANA"DIAN  ARJ1:r .

                                                            rt  - CAC  2. .
                                                            Type(ii) .

                           co~er £rorn  kingston  to  Toronto  sent  by  a  m~be~ of the  ArSYl1

                          &,  Suther1and  Hig"hla nders  o:f'  Canada!  £rahkeJ  at 2/-.  '!''he  cove:r

                          bear.s  \.{i~~ion daters cf' t'ha  23\.'d March,  1943 and  M  - CAC  2
                           't'y!)e  (ii)  Nl\1\ber  2,.  hand.s-tatt\p  siruc1<  J.i'\  \>lac\<  ;
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