Page 17 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 17

                                            MILITARY  CENSORSHIP  HANDSTAMPS

                                                   OF  ~E CANADIAN  ARMY.
                                                          M  - CAC  2..

                                                          Type  (i) ..


                             BY  AIR MAIL

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                                                          Number  4·
                         ~ir tnail  cover  froa  Cayb.  A.~.  ~resh11IIl posied  at Kingsion
                         on  ihe  21st March,  l941,  with  Kingston double  circle dater.

                         ~h~ cover is £ranked  si lOd,  the  air mail  ra!e,  and  the
                         handstamp  M- CAC  2,  Type  (i),  Number  4  in Black  ink has
                         been  applied.            The  COYer  also bears st.  Dunstan's

                         •-Help  the War  'Blinded''  label,  one  of  -the  patriotic labels
                         issued  in ~he island,  but  there  are  no  receiving daiers

                         oh  the  cover.
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