Page 16 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 16

                                               MILITARY  CEKSORSHIP  HANDSTAMPS
                                                     OF  THE  CANADIAN  ARMY~

                                                            M - CAC  2.
                                                            Type  (!) . .


                                                              Number  1.

                          Cover  from  Kingston  to Rainy  ~iver,  Ontario,  fr~~d at 2d,
                          the  sea  mail  rate,  the  sta~p being  cancelled  by  Kings~on
                          dater  of the  6th  rebruary,  1941~                 The  cover  bears M~ 2,

                          Type  (ii ) ,  N~ber 1  struck  in black  ink,  together with
                          Rainy  River  sing~e ci rcle dater  of  the  22nd February,  1941

                          and  Rainy  River  Duty  Fre~ handstamp  of  ~be  16~b February,
                           1941.      The  rev-erse.  bears Harris  Hil~ dater  of the  12th

                          Februar.r,  1941  an4  another Rainy "Rive.r  of ihe  t6th.
                ,  1941.
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