Page 19 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 19

                                             MILITARY  CENSORSHIP  HANDSTAMPS

                                                   0~ THE  CAJlADIAN  ARMY.
                                                          M - CAC  2.

                                                          "!ype  (ii).

                                                                                                         : ~

                                                                             ~ ............. ~~t· -





                                                           »umber  1 .

                          Air  mail  cover .from  l<ingsion  to Hacnilton,  Onterio,  :franked
                          by  the 1./- value  o'£  the  King  ~eorge VI  issue  o:f  1.9~8 - 5'Z,
                          the  stamp  being cancelled  by  Kin~aton ~achine d~er of  the
                          22nd  Septe•ber.  l941 .               The  cover bears  M-CAC  2,  Number

                          l  s-truck  in ln8genia  ink ,  ihe nandstallp being initialled by
                          -the  cet\aorship  officer,  ana  the  cover 'Was  no  doubt  sent by
                          a  member  of ihe  lst~attalion o~ ~he Ar~11 and  Sutherland

                          Highlander8  nf Canada.
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