Page 18 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 18

                                                MILITARY  CENSORSHIP  RANDSTAMPS
                                                       OF  THE  CANADIAN  ARMY .
                                                              M  - CAC  2.
                                      -                 .,_  T .,
                                                               Type  (i) .

                     ..      .        ~                                          -. -                            "

                                BY  AIR  MAlL
                     •                                                              -   VIA AIR  MAL -JI

                                                                      Capt.  Ian :Morsan
                                                                      5477  Earnsclif fe  ATe.,
                                                                      N. D. G.,                                  ..
                                                                      Montreal ,  Canada

                                                                Number 4·
                           Air mail  cover  endorsed  ''Canadian  Arrlly  Overseas"  in  red to
                           Nontreal  franked  at  ~/-,            ~he ~over bears Kingston  machine

                           da-cer  o£  -che  27-th  Nay,  1941,  and  ~ere are  no  other poS"tal
                           markings.         Canadian  cen~orship handstamp,  M-CAC  2,  Type  (i)
                           Number 4  nag  been  applied  in lll1lgenta,  and  -this  tlUa:tbered

                           handstamp did  noi have  ''inverted  commaa              11   around -\:he  le-tter
                           "Y''  in the deeign.
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