Page 70 - Derek Seaton Jamaica Display at BWISC 2006 Oct
P. 70

- - - - - - - - «A68)} _ _ __ _____,


Porus {A68) was a village of little note, about 45 miles from Kingston on the railway line that
coIDlected the capital with Montego Bay. It is said that its name derived from the porous nature of
the soil there.
This letter to Messrs. Barclay & McDowell left Porus on December 30th 1859 and arrived in
Kingston the following day. The letter is concerning the Ale and Porter that had not been received
despite the fact that it had been ordered two weeks previously, the writer attributing this to the
neglect of the captain of the 'Drefus', and complaining that it was inconvenient to go to the wharf
and to find nothing there.
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