Page 38 - Derek Seaton Jamaica Display at BWISC 2006 Oct
P. 38
RA-30ยป- - ------.

This second Jetter by John Cooper to his employers was written on November 25th 1859, stamped
at double rate, backstamped by Black River (November 28th) and Kingston cds's, with a 'London
Paid' in red on January 2nd 1860 and a Liverpool eds for the same day. It was answered on the
16th_ This 'Too Late' stamp was in use for only 2 days and is considered to be unique by Thomas
Foster in his book 'The Postal History of Jamaica 1622-1860'.
A puzzle here is that the writer gives his address as 'Goshen P.O.' (which was open at this time)
yet travels many miles to Black River to post bis letters.
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