Page 119 - Derek Seaton Jamaica Display at BWISC 2006 Oct
P. 119

More numeral cance11ers were needed and were sent out after GB stamps could no longer be used
in Jamaica, and a number of these are shown that had previously been used elsewhere.
This number had previously been allocated, this time to Ravenglass, Cumberland and it was
vacant by 1874. In the 1887 list, this number had been given to Petersfield and Ravenglass now
had G59 and K53 .
This cover left Petersfield on January 7th1882 and is backstamped Bideford on January 28th.
Jarnaicajoined the U.P.U. in April 1877 and in 1891 the rate to UK was reduced from 4d. to 2 Yzd.

per Yz oz.
   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123   124