Page 99 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 99


                  Overseas Post: Foreign Countries, conid.
     ALBANIA, contd.
      Gifts may include the following articles when  intended for personal or family
      Serial                     Maximum  quantity  per  parcel (up  to
      No.           Item             3 parcels a year for each family)
       1   Coffee, cocoa, sugar, chocolate,
            sweets, biscuits  ..   2  lb 3oz of each
       2   Medicines, dressings and  As medically prescribed—despatched
            instruments for the sick  in 3 separate parcels—not contain­
                                    ing any other articles.
       3  Perfumery or toilet articles  2 articles per category
       4  Shaving materials        1  article
       5   Various jewellery  ..   4 articles
       6  Sports gear and fishing tackle  1  article or 1  set per category
       7  Coats, raincoats, suits.
            ladies dresses         1  article  of  each,  or  the  requisite
       8  Children’s clothes       2 suits
       9  Pullovers or knitwear    1  garment  or  the  necessary  material
      10  Shirts and blouses       3 garments or requisite material
      11  Shoes                    1  pair
      12  Personal bed or table linen  1  set of each
      13  Covers and curtains      1  article per category
      14  Small items:
            (a)  Stockings or socks  4 pairs
            (b)  Brief cases or handbags  1  article of each
            (c)  Office supplies or
               professional equipment  1  article or 2 sets per category
            (d)  Other small items  2 articles or 2 sets per category
      15   Musical instruments     1  article
      16  Wristwatches, pocket or table
            watches                1  article
      17  Children's toys          4 articles or 2 sets
      18  New Year tree ornaments  1  set
      19  Periodicals or literature of a  ..  1  copy per category sent in 3
            technical or scientific nature  separate parcels—or more—
                                     not containing any other articles
      20   Kitchen stoves or small cookers  1  article
      21  Apparatus for heating water  ..  1  article
      22  Bicycles                 1  article
      23  Other articles for personal use
            in limited quantities, not
            mentioned in this list  up to 1,000 lek (total) S57.15.
      Letter Post
       Surface   \  See Schedules of Letter Rates
       Air Mail  /
      Dutiable articles may be sent by letter and small packet post—up to S1C0 green
     label written  in French and English  required  for  letters;  thereafter  top  green
     label and form C2/CP3.
      Insurance: Limit S530.
      Prohibitions: As for Parcel Post.
      Customs duty: Customs duty may be levied on books.
   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104