Page 95 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 95


                   Overseas  Post:  Compensation,  contd.

       Compensation  will  in  no case  exceed  the value at  the time  of posting  of the
     article lost or the amount of the damage sustained. Indirect loss or loss of profits
      will not be taken into consideration.

       In any  claim  for  damage  or  loss  of contents,  the  packet should  be  retained
     for  inspection  as  nearly  as  possible in  the condition  in which  it  was delivered.
       The sender  of  a parcel  may waive  his  claim in  favour of the  addressee.  The
     senJcr or addressee may authorise a third party  to receive the compensation.
       The Postmaster General  is under no legal liability  cither  personally or in his
     official  capacity  to  pay  compensation  in  respect  of  any  packet  for  which  an
     insurance fee has been paid.

       Cases  in  which  Compensation  is  not  Payable:  Under  international  regula­
     tions, no compensation will be paid in respect of:
         Any article destroyed through force mnjeurc:
        Any article which infringes postal regulations;

        Any article which has been duly delivered and accepted without reserve;
        Any damage or loss caused by the fault or negligence of the sender, such as
          failure  to  provide  adequate packing,  having  regard  to  the nature of the
        Any damage to an exceptionally fragile object which from its nature cannot
          reasonably  be  expected  to  travel  safely  by  post, such  as  a  clay  figure,
          a  soapstone  or  alabaster  model,  a  collection  of  butterflies  or  moths,
          a vacuum flask, glass, crockery and so on;

        Any article fraudulently  insured  for a  sum  greater than the actual value of
          the contents;

        Any article confiscated under the internal legislation of the country to which
          it is addressed;
        Any parcel containing an  article of a  type specified in section of the Guide
          headed “Overseas Post” as one for which compensation will not be paid;
        Any article  for  which a claim is not  made  within a year of the  date of post­
       The  Post  Office reserves the right  to  refuse compensation  where  the  damage
     or loss is due to a cause beyond control, (e.g.  force majeurc) or where a packet
     cannot  be accounted  for in consequence of the  loss  of official  documents  from
     any such cause.  No  compensation  will  be paid  for any  loss or damage due to
     force majeure.
       Undeliverable registered and insured articles and unregistered articles found to
     contain anything of value which cannot be returned to the senders  are  retained
     in the Dead Letter Office for a fixed period in case they are claimed by either the
     sender or the addressee. If not claimed they are disposed of in accordance with
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