Page 93 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 93


                     Overseas Post: Insurance, contd.

      No labels  may  be affixed  except  those  of the  postal  service.  If the  packet  is
     tied round with a string or tape, a seal must be placed on each knot. However, if
     the packet is tied with a string and sealed as in paragraph 1, the string itself need
     not be sealed.
      Insured  letters  which  have  the  exterior appearance  of a  box  must  fulfil  the
     following additional conditions:
       (a)  they shall be of wood, metal or plastic and sufficiently strong;
       (b)  the walls of wooden  boxes shall  have a minimum  thickness of 8 milli­
          metres ; (5/16 of an inch);
       (c)  the top and bottom shall be covered with white paper to take the address
          of the addressee, the declaration of the insured value and the impression
          of the official stamps; they shall be sealed on the four sides; if required
          for ensuring  inviolability,  the  boxes shall  be tied  round crosswise with
          strong string without knots, the two ends being joined under a wax seal
          bearing a private mark of the sender.
      In addition, the following provisions shall apply;
       (a)  the  postage  may  be  represented  by  the  amount (in figures) of the sum
          collected, as for example: (Charge collected: S___c___ ); this amount
          shall be  written at  the top right-hand  corner of the  address side and an
          impression of the date-stamp of the office of origin placed beside it;
       (b)  items addressed to initials or the address of which is shown in pencil and
          those  which  have  erasures or corrections  in  their  address  will  not  be
      The seals on an ordinary envelope should be placed as shown below:

      In the case of a long envelope with a scam down  the centre, the seam should
     oe secured with seals placed not more than 3 inches apart.

      Parcels  can  be  insured  for  transmission  to  the  countries  against  the  names
      which a  limit  of insured  value is  shown  in  the  section  of  the Guide headed
     Overseas  Post”.  The general  limit  of insurance  is  $800  but  in  some countries
     °wer limits are in force and these arc specially indicated in the summary together
     "''•h any other limitations of the service. There are certain countries which do not
     5ay compensation for damage to fragile items etc.  posted in insured  parcels e.g.
   I Australia, Canada.

     Peking and make-up
     .Packing:  Every insured  parcel  must  be substantially packed with due  regard
   I  0 Ihe nature of the contents and to withstand the risks of oversea travel.
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