Page 89 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 89



       Subject to the limitation shown on pages 94 to 254 any letter, parcel or postal
     packet may be registered.
       Registration Fee (additional to postage):
           Each article  ..   ..      ..   40c

       The  registration  fee  on  an  article  addressed  to  anywhere  outside  Jamaica
     covers compensation up to a maximum of S14.33.  If it is desired to provide for a
     higher  maximum  the  insurance  service  should  be  used.  There  is  no  insured
     service with the United States of America.
       No indemnity is payable in the case of:
        (1)  Force Majeure, i.e. tempest, shipwreck, earthquake, war, etc.
        (2)  Any packet containing a prohibited article.
        (3)  Any packet in respect of which a claim is not made within a year of the
           date of posting.
        (4)  Any  packet  which  the  Post  Office cannot  account  for  in  consequence
           of  the  loss  of  official  documents  through  a  cause  beyond  control.
        (5)  Any  packet confiscated  under the internal  legislation of the country to
           which it is addressed.
       The final decision upon all questions of compensation rests with the Postmaster
     Instructions for Registering
       An  article  to  be  registered  must  be  handed  in  at  a  Post  Office and a  receipt
     obtained for it, it must not be dropped into a letter-box.
       Every  letter  presented  for  registration  must  be  enclosed  in  a  strong  cover
     appropriate to its contents and securely fastened with wax, gum or other adhesive
     substance in such a manner as to render impossible the opening thereof without
     damage to the cover.  It will  not  be accepted  if it shows any sign of having been
     opened and refastened before posting.
       If a letter is fastened by means of adhesive paper or tape, each strip must bear
     some word or mark distinctive of  the sender, such as his name or initials or must
      be initialled by the person who tenders the article for registration.  Letter  packets
      not fastened with any adhesive matter but tied with string will be accepted provi­
     ded the ends or knots of the string are sealed with  wax or by means of  a  lead
      seal crushed with a press.

       The above instructions regarding fastening and  sealing do not apply  to  packets
     containing  literature  for  the  blind,  and  printed  papers  intended  for  regis­
      tration  as these must  be open  to inspection  whether  registered  or not.
       A postal article addressed to initials cannot be registered.
       The address must be clearly written in English but can be repeated in another
      language. It must be written in ink or copying pencil.
       The full postage and registration fee must be prepaid at the time of posting.
       If in the  opinion of an officer of the  Post Office to whom an article is tendered
      for registration the packing is inadequate or if the article is unsuitable for regis­
      tration for any other reason, registration of the article may be refused.
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