Page 84 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 84


          Overseas  Post:  Printed  Papers— Customs  Treatment  Abroad,  Combined
                         Packets,  Literature  for  the  Blind.

        Inadmissible articles:
          No printed paper articles shall consist of or contain:—
            (a)  any documents produced on a typewriter of any type;
            (b)  any copies obtained  by  means  of tracing, or any  handwritten or type,
               written copies;
            (c)  any copies obtained by means of stamps with or without movable type;
            (d)  any  articles  of  stationery  proper,  bearing  reproductions,  when  it ii
               clearly shown that the printed part is not the essential part of the article;
            (c)  any films or sound recordings;
            (f)  any punched  paper tapes anil automatic data  processing cards  bearing
               any  perforations,  marks  or  signs which  can  be  regarded  as  notes;
               (acknowledgement of radio contact) & SL Cards.
            (*)  articles sent from one private individual to another;
            (h)  postage stamps or forms or prepayment, whether obliterated or not, or
               any paper representing a monetary value;
            (i)  personal correspondence.

                   CUSTOMS  TREATMENT  ABROAD
          Particulars of the countries  which admit  packets  containing articles liable to |
        customs duty  under the Green Label system, arc given at pages 94 to 254.

                          COMBINED  PACKETS
          It  is  permissible to  enclose  in  the  same  packet  articles  on  which  different
        charges are  payable  (except  literature for the  blind),  provided  that  each article
        taken singly is within  the limits applicable to it as regards weight and  size, ao-1
        that the total weight docs not exceed 4  lb.
          The postage payable is that applicable to the class of enclosure subject to 4* |
        highest rate of postage.

                    LITERATURE  FOR  THE  BLIND
          Books or papers impressed or intended  to  be impressed  in  “Braille” or o'd* I
        special  type  and  any  articles  used  specially  by  the  blind  posted  unsealed   I
        accepted for conveyance to all destinations by surface mail as follow s:   ™ 1
                    Up to 15  lb in weight (maximum)—Postage free.
          Books or papers impressed in Braille or other special type and any articles u*'
        specially  by the blind, plates for embossing literature for  the  Blind  and  sot)j|
        records intended solely for the use of the blind  posted unsealed  may be sent ‘ I
        air wail to any destination at the special rate of two cents for every two ouncesf |
        fraction  thereof.
          In order to be eligible for this special rate the article  must  either  be  posted^ I
        recognized  institution  for the  blind  in Jamaica or be addressed  to a  rccog0<^|
        institution for the blind in another country.
          Packets of Literature for the Blind whether intended for conveyance by s u r^ |
        or air mail must not exceed 15  lb  in weight.
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