Page 80 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 80


                Overseas Post: Small  Packets, Printed Papers,  conltl.

           Limits of size:
         Packets other than in the form of a roll:
             3 ft. in length,  breadth  and  depth  combined,  the  greatest  dimension
             not to exceed 2 ft.

             53 inches by 3i inches

         Packets in the form of a roll:

             Length and  twice  the  diameter 3 feet 5 inches,  the  greatest  dimension
           not  to exceed 2 feet  11  inches.

             Length and twice the diameter 6} inches, the greatest dimension not less
           than 4 inches.
        The sender  is required to show  his name  and  address on  the  outside of the
      packet  and  must  mark  the packet  conspicuously  SMALL  PACKET  or  the
      equivalent  of such  words  in  a  language  of  the  country  of destination  in  the
      top left-hand corner.

        Small packets  may  be posted in a posting box or handed  over  the  counter.
      They may be registerd but not insured.

      Inadmissible Articles
       Articles  which  may  not  be  sent  by  letter  post  are  also excluded  from  tran-
      mission in small packets; and, in addition, the following may not be sent in small
      packets:  Coin,  bank  notes,  currency  notes;  negotiable  instruments  payable  to
      bearer,  platinum,  gold  or  silver;  precious  stones;  jewels  and  other  valuable
      articles; postage stamps whether obliterated or not, or any paper representing a
      monetary  value;  traveller's  cheques,  letters,  notes  or  documents  having  the
      character of actual and personal correspondence, but an open invoice reduced to
      its essential elements, as well as a copy of the name and address of the sender and
      the addressee  may  be  enclosed,  gramophone  records,  tapes  and  wires  bearing
      sound or video recording, A.D.P. (automatic data processing) and Q.S.L. cards,
      magnetic tapes.

      Customs Declarations
       A  green customs label must, without exception, be affixed to the address side
      of the packet,  and, if the country of destination so requires, the packets must also
      be accompanied  by one or  more  customs  declaration  forms  C2/CP3.  In some
      cases the country of destination  requires that the customs declarations should  be
      made  out  in  a  language other than  English.  Details  of these  requirements are
      shown under each country at pages 94 to 254.
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