Page 77 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 77


             Overseas Post: Air Mail, Surface Mail—Letters,  conid.

     A blue air mail label must be affixed to each article and in the case of second-
    class  mail  each  article  must  be clearly  and  appropriately  superscribed  on  the
    address side of the cover to show the particular service for which  it  is intended
    namely, “ Printed Packet”,  “Small  Packet” or “Literature for the Blind”,  as the
    case may be.

    Air Letters
     These must be written on special Air Letter forms weighing not more than one-
    tenth of an ounce.

     These  forms,  bearing  18c  stamp,  are  obtainable  at  all  Post  Office, price  18c
     Enclosures are not permitted.
     Air mail correspondence to all destinations may be registered. Insured articles
    may be forwarded by air to most countries to which the insurance service extends.
     For fuller particulars see pages 94 to 254

                        OVERSEAS  POST

                     DETAILED INFORMATION
     All  member countries of the Universal Postal  Union  have agreed  to abide by
    the provisions of the Universal  Postal  Union  Convention for the  control of the
    International  letter  post.  The  general  regulations  governing  the  letter  post
    to countries abroad  are  based  on  the  provisions  of the Convention  and have
    been  adopted  as  part  of  the  international  obligations  of  the  Jamaica  Post
    Office. The Universal Postal Union Parcel Agreement which is the parcel counter­
    part of the  letter  Convention  has  not  been  accepted  by  several  countries.  The
    service between Jamaica and non-signatories  of the  Parcel  Agreement  is  gover­
    ned by separate agreements with the countries concerned.

     Items which are admitted to the international  post are classified as follows:—
             Small Packets
             Printed Papers
             Literature for the Blind

                        SURFACE  MAIL

    Rate o f p o s t a g e
          ALL COUNTRIES—Letters up to 1 oz  18c
          Over 1 oz to 2 oz                30c
          Over 2 oz to 4 oz                40c
          Over 4 oz to 8 oz                90c
          Over 8 oz to  1  lb           SI. 70
          Over  1  lb to 2  lb          S2.90
          Over 2  lb to 4  lb           S4.60
   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82