Page 83 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 83


                   Overseas  Post:  Printed  Papers,  contd.

      The sender may, cither outside or inside a packet of printed papers: Indicate by
     any process,  the  name  or  business  name,  status,  profession and  address  of the
     sender and of the addressee, the place and the date of despatch, the signature, a
     serial or registration number referring solely to the packet;
     Correct errors in printing;
     Strike out, underline or ring round certain words or certain parts of a printed text
     unless this is done with the object of constituting a code.
      The following and  similar  documents  and  so  on,  may  bear  additions  and
     alterations made by any process, to the extent indicated in each case.

      Order forms: Order forms or subscription forms or forms of offer for publica­
     tions, books,  pamphlets,  newspapers,  engravings  and  musical  scores  may  bear
     the names  of  the  works  and  number of copies asked  for  or  offered;  the  price
     and  notes representing essential elements of the  price;  the method  of payment;
     the edition and names of the authors and publishers;  the catalogue number and
     the words  Paper  Covered, Stiff Covered or  Bound.
      Forms  used  by  the  lending  services  of  libraries:  The  titles  of the  works,  the
     number of copies asked  for or sent,  the  names  of the authors and  publishers,
     the catalogue numbers, the number of days allowed for reading, the name of the
     person wishing to consult the work in question.
      Printed  cards:  Pictorial  cards,  printed  visiting  cards,  Christmas  and  New
     Year cards may bear good wishes, greetings, congratulations, thanks, condolences
     or other formulae of courtesy expressed in not more than five words or by means
     of not  more  than  five  conventional  initials  for  example:  Kind  regards, Best
     Wishes  and  other  greetings  and  so  on,  not conveying specific information or
     making an enquiry  or request are  admissible.  Phrases such as  “Arrived  Safely,
     See you on Monday”, and so on, are not admissible.
      Proofs  of  printing:  Alterations  and  additions  concerned,  with  corrections,
     form and  printed,  and  also such  notes as  “Passed for  Press”,  or similar  notes
     concerned  with  the  execution  of  the  work.  In  case  of want  of space,  these
     additions may be made on separate sheets.
      Fashion  papers:  Cut  out  patterns which bear  indications  that  they  form  an
     integral part of the paper with which they are sent.
      Books:  (Printed  literary  and  artistic  productions)  Books,  pamphlets,  news­
     papers,  photographs,  engravings,  sheets  of music and  in  general  all  literary or
     artistic  productions,  whether  printed,  or  engraved,  lithographed  or  mimeo­
     graphed, may bear a dedication consisting of a simple expression of regard.

      Cuttings from newspapers and periodicals:  The title, date, number and address
     of the publication from which the article is taken.
      Notices of change of address:  The old and the new address of the sender and
     the date of the change.
      The  sender  may  enclose  in  a  packet  of  printed  papers  a  card,  envelope  or
     "Tapper  bearing his  printed  address or that  of his agent and  having a  postage
     stamp of the country of destination affixed for prepayment of the return postage.
     The relative open invoice, reduced  to its essential elements together with copies
     of the invoice deposit notes, may be enclosed with articles listed in the paragraph
     “Books” above.
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