Page 91 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 91


            OVERSEAS  POST:  INSURANCE,  could.

       ncc Fees (additional to postage).
         To cover compensation up to a maximum of S36   .. 10c
         Each additional S36  ..   ..     ..      ..10c
     fltc fees for insurance,  including  registration fee of 40c  but in addition to post­
   age, arc as follows:—

                   Limit of         Limit of         Limit of
       Fee        Compen­    Fee   Compen­    Fee   Compen­
                   sation            sation           sation
        ,50c         S36    S I.30    S324   $2.10     S612
        ,60c          S72   $1.40     S3 60  S2.20     $648
        ,70c         $108   S I.50    S396   S2.30     S684
        ,80c         $144   $1.60     $432   $2.40     S720
        .90c         $180   S I.70    $468   S2.50     $756
      $1.00          $216   S I.80    S504   S2.60     S792
      $1.10          $252   $1.90     $540   S2.70     5800
      $1.20          $288   $2.00     S576
   Parcels: (M addition to postage)
     To cover compensation up to a maximum of S36  ..   ..   10c
     Each additional $36   ..    ..      ..      ..       10c
     (Sec pages 91,  94 to 204 for available services and limits of liability)
     An item  intended  for  insurance  must  be  handed in  at  the counter of a  Post
   Office  and a receipt  obtained for it.  It must  not be  posted in a letter box.  If an
   article  tendered for insurance  does  not,  in the  opinion of the officer of the Post
   Office to whom it is tendered,  fulfil the prescribed  conditions as to packing and
   scaling, it  will not be  accepted.  Nevertheless,  the  onus  of  properly  enclosing,
   packing and sealing  the  article  lies  upon  the  sender;  and  the  Post  Office
   assumes  no liability for loss or damage  arising from  defects which may  not have
    been observed at the time of posting.
    Insured Value
     The amount  for which  an  article  is  insured  must  be written  in  ink  without
    erasure or alteration by the sender or his representative both in Roman words and
    jn Arabic figures, at the top of the address side of the cover, thus:  Insured for
    Thirty Dollars (S30). In the case of a parcel, the amount must also be entered’in
    'he appropriate space on the despatch  note CP2 if one is used.  No alteration or
    erasure of the inscription on the letter or parcel or on the despatch note is allowed
    even if certified.  If the amount is entered on the despatch note in the wrong place.
    a fresh despatch note must be prepared.
     Mo letter or parcel can be insured for more than the actual value of the contents
    and packing, or for more than the sum prescribed for the country to which it is
    addressed but it may be insured for part of its value, and a letter or parcel of which
    'he contents have no pecuniary value  may be insured  for a normal sum in order
    •“ ob'ain the safeguards of the system.  An insured letter  containing  documents
    ^hich are of value because of the cost of preparation, for example, plans, estimates
    ,°,r contracts,  may  not be insured  for an amount exceeding the cost  of replacing
    'hem in case of loss.  Over-insurance is an obstacle to compensation.
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