Page 96 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 96


                         FOREIGN  COUNTRIES
         (For Charges:  Please use Schedules R (and R3)
       ABU  DHABI
         Letter  Post
          Surface   l   See Schedules of Letter Rates
          Air  Mail   /
         Dutiable Articles  may  be sent by letter  and  small  packet  post—up  to  SI00
       green label required;  thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3. All commercial
       consignments  (letter  and  parcel)  must  be  accompanied  by  a  certificate  of the
       country of origin of the goods.
         Insurance:  Limit S440
         Prohibitions:  Arms  and ammunition  (or  parts thereof);  Charged  butane  gas
       lighters  and  refills  (uncharged  lighters  are  admitted);  cultured,  imitation,  arti­
       ficial and bleached pearls.
         Restrictions:  Alcoholic drinks, drugs.
         Address:  The correct  postal  adddress  is  Abu  Dhabi,  United  Arab Emirates.
       No other description is required.
         Parcel Post
          Surface   \   Sec  Schedule  of  Overseas  Surface  and  Air  Parcel  Post
          Air       /    Rates
        Customs declarations:  1 form C2/CP3 and 1  despatch note CP2
        Insurance:   Limit S440.
        Prohibitions:  Letters except one for addressee; arms and ammunition (or parts
       thereof) charged butane gas lighters and refills (uncharged lighters are admitted)
       cultured, imitation, artificial and bleached pearls.
        Restrictions:  Alcoholic drinks, drugs.
        Packing:  Parcels should be very strongly packed.

        Address:  See under Letter Post.
        Delivery:  Parcels are not delivered.
        Compensation:  is not  payable  for uninsured  parcels  lost,  stolen  or damaged
       in  the Abu Dhabi Service.
        ADEN  (Sec Yemen (Peoples Democratic Republic of).)
        AEGEAN  ISLANDS  (Same as Greece).

          Letter Post
          Surface   \   See Schedules of Letter Rates
          Air  Mail   1
        Dutiable articles  may  be sent  by  small  packet  post—up  to  $100 green  label
      required, thereafter top green label and  form C2/CP3.  Items subject to customs
      duty are not accepted in ordinary and registered letters.
        Serums, vaccines and urgently required medicaments are admitted in all cases.
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