Page 101 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 101

r                                  POST  OFFICE  GUIDE   101

                  Overseas Post: Foreign Countries, contd.
    ^SGOLA, contd.
      Insurance: No Service.
      Prohibitions:  Letters;  arms;  butane gas  lighters  and  refills;  patent  medicines
    except under permit.
      Restrictions:  Import  licences,  to  be  obtained  by  the  addressee  in  advance
    are required  for  the importation  of all  goods.  The number,  date and  period of
    validity of the  licence should  be inserted  by  the sender on  the relative  invoice.
     Invoice: A consular invoice is required for each consignment of goods over 550
    escudos  in  value. The invoice should  not  accompany the  parcel  but  should  be
    sent direct to the addressee.
     Scaling: Parcels should be sealed with a distinctive device.
     Delivery: Parcels are not delivered. Charges are collected.
    ANDORRA (Republic of)  Same as France.
     Letter Post
      Surface  1
       Air Mail  /   Sec Schedules of Letter Rates
     Dutiable articles  may be sent  by  letter and  small  packet  post—up  to  S100
    green label required; thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
     Insurance: Limit S40.  Surface only.
     Prohibitions: Coin and communist literature.
     Parcel Post
      Surface  1
      Air   /   See  Schedule of Overseas surface and  Air Parcel  Post  Rates.
     Customs declarations: 1 Yellow Form CP3.
     Insurance: Limit $20. Surface only.
     Prohibitions: Letters, except one for the addressee.
     Restrictions: Arms.
     Letter Post
      Surface  1
      Air Mail  /   See Schedules of Letter Rates
     Dutiable articles  may  be sent by  letter  and  small  packet  post—up  to  $100
   green label required, thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
    Senders of letter packets containing commercial goods must forward by airmail
   to the addressees, invoice showing separately, the country of origin and the value
   °f each item enclosed.
    Insurance: No. Service.
    Prohibitions:  Drugs,  except  under  licence,  perishable  biological  substances,
   radio-active material.
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