Page 104 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 104


                   Overseas Post:  Foreign Countries,  conid.

     ASCENSION, conid.
       Parcel Post
        Surface      \   See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post
        Air:  No Service.  /    Rates
       Customs declaration:  1 Yellow form CP3
       Insurance:  Limit S100
       Prohibitions:  Letters, except one for the addressee.
       Letter Post
        Surface   \   See  Schedules of Letter Rates.
        Air Mail   /
       Dutiable articles may be sent by letter and small packets post—up to S100 green
     label required;  thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
       Small packets must not exceed (1  lb) in weight.
       Insurance:  No Service.
       Prohibitions:  Bank  notes  and  items  of  high  value.  Blank  invoice  forms;
     unobliteratcd  postage stamps exceeding 50c in value, except in registered letters;
     tobacco, cigars, cigarettes and snuff, except genuine samples or for the private use
     of the addressee; ammunitions and cartridges of all kinds, drugs.
       Restrictions apply  to  the  importation  of  :  Bees;  plants  and  parts  of plants,
     including fruit.
       Import Licences:  See under Parcel Post.

       Customs duty:  Advertising matter is subject to customs duty.
       Address:  If the postcode is known it should be  written to the right hand side of
     the name of the country.
       Parcel Post
        Surface   \   See  Schedule of  Overseas  Surface  and  Air  Parcel  Post
        Air       /    Rates
       Customs declarations:  1 Yellow form CP3.
      Insurance:  Limit $110.
      Prohibitions:  Letters,  blank  invoice  forms,  coins,  bank  notes,  jewellery,
     platinum, gold or silver (manufactured or not), confectionery containing spirits;
     tobacco, cigars, cigarettes and snuff except genuine samples or for the private use
     of addressee, ammunitions and cartridges of all kinds, hides and skins.
      Restrictions:  Arms, bees; plants and parts of plants including fruit and bulbs;
     tinned meat; vaccines, serums and viruses.
      Import  Licences:  Import  licences  are required  for certain  goods  but  not  for
     gifts, personal effects, bona fide trade samples, trade catalogues and so on.  These
     should be obtained in advance by addressees.
      Insurance  does  not  cover  damage  to  parcels  containing  fragile  articles  (for
     example,  glassware,  gramophone records  and  so  on),  liquids,  semi-liquids,  or
     perishable articles.
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