Page 107 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 107


                 Overseas Post:  Foreign  Countries, contd.

    BAHAMAS, contd.
    parcel Post
      Surface   1  See  Schedule  of Oversea  Surface  and  Air  Parcel  Post  Rates.
      Air     J
     Customs  declarations:  I  Yellow  form  CP3.  The  c.i.f.  value  (i.c.  including
    insurance and postage) must be declared followed by the letters "C.I.F.”
     Customs duty:  Duty on imports into the  Bahamas  is levied on the c.i.f. value.

     Insurance:  No Service.
     Prohibitions:  Letters,  except  one  for  the  addressee;,  drugs,  except  under
    licence issued by the Government.
     Compensation  is  not  payable  for  ordinary  parcels  which  are  lost,  stolen  or
    damaged in the Bahamian Service.
    BAHRAIN—State of
    Letter Post
      Surface   \ Sec Schedules of Letter Rates.
      Air Mail   /
     Dutiable articles may  be  sent  by  letter  (except  by  insured  letters)  and  small
    packet post—up  to  S100  green  label  required;  thereafter  top  green  label  and
    form C2/CP3.
     Insurance:  Limit S440 by air only.
     Prohibitions:  Arms  and  ammunition  (or  parts  thereof);  charged  butane gas
    lighters  and  refills  (uncharged  lighters  are  admitted);  cultured,  imitation,
    artificial and bleached pearls.

     Restrictions:  Alcoholic drinks; drugs.
     Address:  The correct postal address is state  of  Bahrain.  No other  descrip­
    tion is required.
     Parcel Post
      Surface   1  See  Schedule  of overseas  Surface  and  Air  Parcel  Post Rates.
      Air     /
     Customs declarations:  1 Yellow Form CP3.
     Insurance:  Limit S440.
     Prohibitions:  Letters,  except  one for  the  addressee;  arms  and  ammunition
   for parts thereof);  charged  butane  gas  lighters  and  refills  (uncharged  lighters
   are admitted); cultured, imitation, artificial and bleached pearls.
     Restrictions:  Alcoholic drinks; drugs.
     Certificate  o f  origin:  All  parcels  containing  commercial  goods  should  be
   Accompanied by a certified invoice stating the origin of the goods.
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