Page 111 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 111


                    Overseas Post: Foreign Countries, could.
     BARBADOS, could.
       Customs declarations: 1 Yellow form CP3.
       Insurance: Limit S120
       Prohibitions:  Letters, butane gas lighters and refills, arms (other than sporting
     guns) except  under permit;  celluloid; cotton seed;  drugs, except  under  permit.
       Compensation is not payable for uninsured parcels lost, stolen or damaged in the
      Barbadian Service.
       Letter Post
         Surface   \  See Schedules of Letter Rates
         Air Mail  /
       Dutiable articles may be sent by letter and small packet  post—up to S100 green
      label  written  in  French  or  Flemish  and  English  required;  thereafter top  green
     label and form C2/CP3.
       Insurance: Limit S800
       Customs duty: Printed matter and books are not liable to customs duty but a
      green customs label must be attached to such packets.

       Prohibitions: Butane gas lighters and refills; radio-active substances.
       Address: If the relative postcode is known it should be included in the address.

       Parcel Post
         Surface   l  See  Schedule of Overseas Surface and  Air Parcel  Post  Rates
         Air     /

       Customs declarations: 2 forms C2/CP3 and  1 despatch note CP2 in French or
      Flemish and English.
       Insurance: Limit S230
       Prohibitions: Letters; absinthe; coin of bronze, copper or nickel not legal tender
      in  Belgium,  except  obsolete  coins  for  collections,  contraceptives,  butane  gas
      lighters and refills, radio-active substances.
       Restrictions:  Arms;  foodstuffs;  fresh  fruit;  plants and  narcotics.  The impor­
      tation of many articles is also subject to the production of a permit which must
      be obtained by the addressee in advance.
       Marking: All parcels  containing  articles of celluloid  must be marked  inflam­
       Delivery:  Parcels are  delivered  in  most  areas  and  a  delivery  fee  is  charged.
      Where  they  are  not  delivered  an  advice  of  arrival  is  sent  to  the  addressees.
      If it is intended that a parcel is to be called for it should be addressed "En Gare"
      and not "Poste Restantae".
       Gift  Parcels:  Customs  charges  are  payable  on  gift  parcels  which  should  be
     marked “Unsolicited Gift”.
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