Page 115 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 115


                  Overseas Post:  Foreign Countries, conld.

      Letter Post
       Surface   1
       Air Mail   /  See Schedules of Letter Rates.
      Dutiable articles may be sent by registered and small packet  post—up to SI00
    green label required; thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3 to be written in
    Portuguese,  Spanish  or  French  and  English.  Items subject  to customs  duty arc
    not accepted  in  ordinary  and  registered  letters.  Scrums,  vaccines  and  urgently
    required medicaments arc admitted in all cases.
     Items of value (c.g. coins, currency notes gold etc.) arc not admitted in regis­
    tered letters.
     Insurance: No Service.
      Prohibitions:  Bank notes, currency notes or securities of any kind  payable to
    bearer; butane gas lighters and refills, primary educational  books not  written  in
    Portuguese,  coins, jewellery, articles  of gold,  silver,  platinum  or other  precious
    metals manufactured or  not,  narcotics, lottery tickets,  precious stones; postage
    stamps except in registered letters, salted  or smoked meat, bones and other food­
    stuffs of animal origin.
     Restrictions: apply  to the importation  of:  Medicines, plants,  including bulbs
    and seeds.

     Parcel Post
       Surface  See Schedule of Overseas Surface  and  Air  Parcel  Post  Rates.
       Air:   No. Service.
     Customs declarations:  2  forms  C2./CP3  and  1  despatch  note  CP2  written in
    Portuguese, Spanish or French and English.
     Insurance: No Service.
     Prohibitions:  Letters,  Abortifacients,  lottery  tickets,  narcotics  arms,  butane
    gas lighters, coins, jewellery, precious stones and  other precious objects; cotton
    seed and unginned cotton; raw cotton and cotton waste unless accompanied by a
    certificate of disinfection  from  a competent authority; postage stamps;  primary
    educational books not written in  Portuguese, salted or smoked meat, bones and
    other foodstuffs of animal origin.
     Restrictions:  Alcoholic  liquors;  articles  of  gold,  silver,  platinum  or  other
    precious  metals;  bees;  chemicals  and  medicines;  foodstuffs;  plants,  including
    bulbs and seeds; saccharin and similar substances.
     Import licences arc required for all  classes of goods and must be obtained in
    advance by the addressee.

     Parcels  without  import  licences  are  liable  to  a  fine  equal  to  ICO  percent  of
    c.i.f. value of the goods.
     Address:  Poste Restante may not be used as an address.
     'Invoice:  4 copies  of  a  consular  invoice  are  required  for  every  commercial
    Parcel  or consignment  of parcels  of which  the value exceeds  the  equivalent  of
    25 U.S. dollars, posted at the same time to one addressee.
     Sealing:  Parcels should be sealed with a distinctive device.
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