Page 118 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 118

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       118   POST  OFFICE  GUIDE

                    Overseas Post:  Foreign Countries, conid.
      Bulgaria, contd.
        Invoice:  An invoice, or copy,  must  be enclosed  in the parcel.
        Compensation:  is  not  payable  for  damage  to  parcels  containing
      fragile  articles  or  perishable goods.
      BURMA (Socialist Republic of the Union of)
        Letter Post
          Surface   1
          Air Mail   i See Schedules of Letter Rates.
        Dutiable  articles:  may  be  sent  by  letter  and  small  packet  post-up  to SIOO
      green label required; thereafter top green lableand form C2/CP3.
      Small packets must not exceed 1 lb in weight.
        Insurance:  Limit S400. Rangoon only.
        Prohibitions:  Drugs and similar substances.
        Restrictions:  Hypodermic Syringes and needles.
        Parcel Post
          Surface   1
          Air     / See  Schedule of Overseas Surface and  Air Parcel  Post Rates.
        Customs declarations:  2 forms C2/CP3 and 1 despatch note CP2.
        Insurance:  Limit S400. Rangoon only.
        Prohibitions:  Letters,  arms  and  parts  thereof  (including  imitation  and  toy
      pistols and  revolvers), sulphur, unless imported  by or on  behalf of the Govern­
      ment of Burma; celluloid and articles made wholly or partly of cel'uloid, such as
      cinematograph  and  photographic  films,  unless packed  in  a strong wooden box
      bearing a  label  Celluloid  in  plain  letters;  drugs and similar substances; labels
      or  woven  goods  bearing  designs  in  imitation  of  paper  money,  plants,  unless
      accompanied by a certificate in the form prescribed by the authorities;
        Restrictions:  Hypodermic syringes and needles; potatoes;
        Address:  Parcels  addressed  to  post  box  numbers  only,  that  is,  without  the
      actual address of the addressee, are not admitted.
        Duplicate documents:  To facilitate customs clearance a duplicate copy of the
      invoice showing the country of origin must be attached to the despatch papers
        Letter Post
         Surface   1  See Schedules of Letter Rates.
         Air Mail   /
        Dutiable articles, may be sent by letter (except insured letters) and small packe1
      post-up to S100 green label written in French and English required; thereafter top
      green label and form C2/CP3.
        Insurance:  No Service.
        Prohibitions:  Bearer  bills  and  so  on  exceeding  5  francs  in  value  except $
      registered letters; coin,  gold,  jewellery,  platinum, precious  stones,  silver,  cuf
      rency notes.
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