Page 122 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 122

       122   POST  OFFICE  GUIDE

                    Overseas Post: Foreign Countries, contd.

        A charge  is  made  for customs clearance and,  in addition,  a  delivery fee for
      Small Packets is collected from the addressee.

        Parcel Post
         Surface  1
         Air    /  See Schedules of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
        Insurance: No Service.

        If more than one parcel is sent at one time to one addressee, the sender should
      number the parcels consecutively and should indicate on each parcel the number
      of parcels forming the consignment.  For instance, if the consignment consists of
      three p. reels, the parcels should be numbered  1/1, 2/3 and 3/3 respectively. One
      customs declaration may be used. The total number of parcels in the consignment
      must be shown on the customs declaration.

        Prohibitions: Letters, bees, contraceptives; cotton seed, cotton and cotton seed
      products (except cotton seed oil,  unmanufactured cotton and cotton waste; see
      Restrictions  below);  feathers  and  tkins  of wild  birds  (except  ostrich  feathers)
      unless  for educational  or  scientific  purposes;  fresh  fruit;  gold  coin  or  bullion
      50 U.S. dollars in value; intoxicating liquors; potatoes, lottery tickets, gold coins
      or gold in any form.

        Restrictions:  Arms,  bulbs;  cereals;  cigars  and  cigarettes;  cotton  seed  oil,
      cotton  waste  and  unmanufactured  cotton  plants  and  parts  of  plants;  drugs,
      radio-active substances and articles containing radio-active substances;  viruses,
      scrums and toxins.

       invoice: Each article containing an invoice shall be marked on the address-side
      “Invoice  Enclosed".  If  the  invoice  cannot  conveniently  be  enclosed  within  a
      sealed article,  it  may be securely attached  to the article.  Failure to comply with
      any of the requirements set forth above will result in delay in the clearance of mail
      shipments through the United States Customs.

       Origin: Certain articles of foreign origin imported  into the United States must
      have the name of the country of manufacture indelibly and conspicuously stamp­
      ed, cut, engraved  or die-sunk on an exposed  part  thereof. This marking may, if
      necessary, be applied after importation.

       Letter Post
         Surface   \
         Air Mail   /See Schedules of Letter Rates.

       Dutiable articles may be sent by letter and small packet post-up to S100 green
      label  written  in  Spanish  or  French  and  English  required;  thereafter  top  green
      label and form C2/CP3.
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