Page 125 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 125


                  Overseas Post:  Foreign Countries, contd.
      Letter Post
        Surface   1   See Schedules of Letter Rates.
        Air Mail   /
      Dutiable articles  may  be  sent  by  small  packet  post-up  to  $100  green  label
     written  in  French  and  English  required;  thereafter  top  green  label  and  form
     C2/CP3.  Items subject to customs duty are not accepted  in ordinary and regis­
     tered letters.

      Scrums, vaccines and urgently  required medicaments are admitted in all cases.
      Insurance:  No Service.
      Prohibitions:  Bank-notes,  currency  notes,  documents  payable  to  bearer;
     charged  butane gas lighters  and  refills (uncharged  lighters  arc admitted);  coin,
     gold, jewellery,  platinum,  precious  stones, silver,  plants;  contraceptives;  radio­
     active materials.
      Parrel Post
       Surface    )  See  Schedule  of  Oversea  Surface  and  Air  Parcel  Post
       Air        /  Rates.
      Insurance:  No Service.
      Customs declarations:  4  forms  C2/CP3  and  1  despatch  note  CP2  written  in
     French and English.

      Prohibitions:  Letters;  arms,  except sporting  guns  admitted  under  permit;
     charged  butane  gas  lighters  and  refills  (uncharged  lighters  are  admitted  and
     should  be  declared  rs  such  on  the  customs  declaration  forms);  saccharin,
     contraceptives, radio-active material, narcotics.
      Restrictions:  Living  plants,  roots  and bulbs, gramophone  records,  tobacco,
     liqueurs and spirits, preserved fish, shrubs: cut flowers, eggs of game birds during
    close season;  fish  and  game,  fresh  fruit,  fresh  vegetables  and  potatoes,  drugs.
     Import licence:  is required for the importation of all goods.
      Invoices: are required for parcels containing goods valued at more than JS15.00.
      Sealing:  Parcels should be sealed with a distinctive device.
      Delivery:  Parcels arc not delivered.  Charges are collected from the addressees.

      Letter Post
       Surface   l   See Schedules of Letter Rates.
       Air Mail   /
      Dutiable articles may  be sent bv letter, and small packet post-up to JS100 green
    label written in  French and English required; thereafter top green label and form

      Insurance:  No Service.
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