Page 128 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 128


                      Overseas Post: Foreign Countries, contd.
        CHINA (People's Republic of), contd.
          Prohibitions:  Arms;  Chinese  money,  currency  notes  or  other  documents
        of value in Chinese money, except under authorization from the People's  Bank of
        China; equipment  for smoking  opium  and similar  substances;  medical  goods
        except  those  of  proprietary  brands;  narcotics  for  medical  use  except  on
        presentation  by the addressee of an import  permit from the Chinese  Ministry of
        Health; all  printed matter, gramophone  records,  films in any way prejudicial to
        the Chinese Government: wrist  watches, cameras, non-transparent  hermetically
        sealed  preserves,  used  clothing  or  bedding  addressed  to  private  individuals.
          Restrictions: Bulbs, plants and seeds; radio sets and parts thereof, electrical ap­
        paratus operating at  high frequencies, amplifiers, condensers, wool, silk, cotton,
        foodstuffs.  The entry of many  items into the People's  Republic of China is for­
          Import  licences:  The  importation  of all  commercial  parcels  is subject  to the
        production of an import licence by the addressee.

         Address: Delivery is facilitated if the name and address arc written in Chinese
        as well as in English.
         The words "The People's Republic o f China" must be included in the  address.
        CHRISTMAS ISLAND (Indian Ocean)
         Letter Post
           Surface   \   See Schedules of Letter Rates.
           Air Mail   f
         Dutiable articles may be sent by letter and small packet post—up to S100 green
        labels required; thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
         Small  Packets:  must not exceed  1  lb in weight.
         Insurance: No Service.
         Prohibitions:  Butane  gas  lighters  and  refills;  coin,  platinum,  gold,  silver,
        precious stones, jewellery and other precious articles.
         Restrictions: See under Parcel Post.
         Parcel Post
           Surface   1   Sec Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
           Air     /    No Service.
         Insurance: No Service.
         Customs declarations: 1 Yellow form CP3.
         Prohibitions:  Letters,  arms of every kind, including sporting guns and pistols
        or their component parts; butane gas lighters and refills;  coin,  drugs and similar
       substances;  platinum, gold, silver, precious stones, jewellery and other valuable
        articles, and negotiable instruments payable to bearer.
         Restrictions:  Intoxicating liquors (excluding beer),  toy pistols, lubricating oil,
       gold (including raw, smelted or manufactured gold) gold bullion or coin and arti­
       cles made wholly or partly of gold, diamonds and diamond-set jewellery,  all  of
       which  may  not  be  imported  except  under  licence.  The  importation  of certain
       plants and seeds is restricted.
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