Page 131 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 131


                  Overseas Tost: Foreign Countries,  contd.

     COLUMBIA, contd.
      Parcels bearing fraudulent declarations  of value or content will  be  confiscated.

      D. livery:  Parcels arc  not  delivered  to  the  place of address.  They are  subject
     io delay after arrival  in Columbia.
     COMORO STATE OF (Anjouan, Grande Comorc, Mayotte and Mohcli) (Indian

      Letter Post
        Surface   1
        Air Mail  /  Sec Schedules of Letter Rates.
      Dutiable  articles  may  b :  sc  t  by  letter  and  small  packet  post-up  to  SI00  label  written  in  French  an I  required;  thereafter  top  green  label
     and form C2/CP3.
      Insurance: No Service.
      Prohibitions:  Charged  butane  gas  lig' ters  and  refill;  (uncharged  li  hters
     arc admitted); coin,  gold,  jewellery,  platinum,  precious stones, silver,  tobacco,
     cigarettes and cigars sent to private individuals.
      Restrictions: See under Parcel  Post.
      Parcel Post
        Surface:  See Schedule of Overseas  Surface  and Air Parcel Post  Rates.
        Air:   No Service.
      Insurance:  No Service.

      Customs  declarations:  1 form  C2/CP3  and  1  despatch  note  CP2  written  in
     French and English.
      Prohibitions:  Letters, charged  butane gas  lighters and refills (uncharged  light­
     ers arc  admitted  and  should  be  decl ;rcd  as  such  on  the customs  declaration
     forms);  saccharin,  spirits,  tobacco,  cigarettes and  cigirs sent  to private indivi­
      Restrictions: Arms, dummies and teats, tube feeding bottles.
      Sealing: Parcels should be sealed with a distinctive device.
      Dcliv ry:  Parce's rre not  delivered.  There  is an additional charge for convey­
     ance from the port of landing.

     CONGO (Brazzaville) Peoples Republic of
      Letter Post
        Surfa  e   \
        Air Mail  /  Sec Schedules of Letter Rates.
      Insurance: No Service.
      Dutiable articles  may  be  sent  by  letter  and small  packet  pos—up  to  S100
     8’cen  label  written  in  French  and  English  required;  thereafter topgrem  label
     and  form C2/CP3.
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