Page 136 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 136


                    Overseas Post:  Foreign Counlrics,  contd.

       CYRENAICA—See Libya
        Letter Post
          Surface   1
          Air Mail   ;  See Schedules of Letter Rates.
        Dutiable articles may be sent by letter (except insured letters) and small packet
       post—up  to  S100 green  label  required;  thereafter  top  green  label  and  form
        Insurance:  Limit S800.
        Prohibitions:  German coin and  paper money,  butane gas lighters  and  refills.
        Restrictions:  Czechoslovak  bank-notes  and  coin;  valuable  documents;
       platinum, gold and silver; medicines; plants and parts of plants;  postage stamps,
       serums and vaccines, tobacco.
        Parcel Post
          Surface   \  See  Schedule  of  Overseas  Surface  and  Air  Parcel  Post
          Air       /  Rates.
        Customs declarations:  1  form C2/CP3 and 1 despatch note CP2.
        Insurance:  Limit S230
        Prohibitions:  Letter, German coin and paper money; meat preservatives: goods
       (other than medicines)  in sealed  or  hermetically  closed  tins;  butane gas  lighters
       and refills.
        Restrictions:  Czechoslovak  bank-notes  and  coin;  valuable  documents;
       platinum,  gold  and  silver;  arms  and parts  of arms;  bees,  bees  wax  and  honey;
       colours containing lead and copper; cosmetics; meat; lard; medicines; dried and
       artificially coloured fruit; plants and parts of plants;  postage stamps;  potatoes;
       scrums and vaccines; tobacco in any form; wireless apparatus.  No parcels other
       than  gift  parcels  and  parcels  containing  printed  matter  only  may  be  sent  to
       private persons.

        Gift  Parcels:  Gift  parcels  may  be sent  only  by  private  persons,  and  not  by
      commercial undertakings.  Worn clothing, linen footwear and alcohol must not be
       sent in gift parcels.
        Medicine will be admitted free of customs duty if the addressee has the necessary
      certificate  and  provided  it  is  not  included  with  other articles  in  gift  parcels
        No printed matter (books, periodicals and so on), gramophone records, sound
       tapes or cinematographic films may  be sent as gifts unless the  parcel  or  packet
       contains nothing but these items.

        Customs  declarations  must  be  legibly  written  and  must  specify  in  detail  the
       number,  weight  and  value  of each  item  enclosed.  Each  item  must  be  listed
        Packing:  Parcels must be strongly  packed to withstand  the length of the jour­
       ney and to protect the contents.
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