Page 140 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 140

                      O verseas  Post:  Foreign Countries, could

         DUBAI,  conut.
         Parcel Post
            Surface   1
            Air      f See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
          Customs declaration: I  Yellow Form CP3.
          Insurance: Limit S440.
          Prohibitions:  Letters  (except  one  for  the  addressee);  arms  and  ammunitions
        (or parts thereof); charged butane gas lighters and refills (uncharged  lighters are
        admitted); cultured, imitation, artificial or bleached pearls.
          Restrictions: Alcoholic drinks, drugs.
          Packing:  Parcels should be very strongly packed.
          Address: Sec under Letter Post.

          Delivery: Parcels arc not delivered.
          Compensation is  not payable for damage to uninsured  parcels containing  por­
        celain, glass ware and other exceptionally fragile articles.
        DUTCH GUIANA—See Surinam
        DUTCII WEST INDIES—See Netherlands Antilles.

           Letter Post
           Surface   \
           Air Mail   (See Schedules of Letter Rates.
          Dutiable  articlss  may  be  sent  by  small  packet  post—up to S100 green labd
        required; thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
          Items  subject  to  customs  duty  are  not  accepted  in  ordinary  and  registered
        letters.  Serums, vaccines and urgently required  medicaments arc admitted  in all
          Additionally  items  of value  (e.g.)  com,  currency  notes,  gold  etc.  are  not
        admitted in registered letters.
          Insurance:  No Service.
          Prohibitions:  Bank and currency notes; coin, communist literature.
          Restrictions:  Plants and seeds.
         Import Licences are required for all  goods the value of which exceeds 40  U.S-
        dollars.  There is no exception for gift parcels.

         Parcel Post
           Surface:   \  See Schedule of Oversea Surfaces and Air Parcel  Post  Rates-
           Air:     j  No  Service.
         Insurance:  Limit  S70.  Surface  and  to  Bahia-de-Caraquez,  Guayaquil  80^
        Quito only.
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