Page 143 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 143


                     Overseas Post:  Foreign Countries, contil.
       HI, SALVADOR (Republic), could.
         Invoice:  Parcels  valued  at  50  U.S.  dollars  or more  must  be accompanied by
       eight  copies  of the  Commercial  invoice  made  out  in  Spanish  and  visaed  by a
       Consul for El Salvador. One copy of the invoice may be enclosed in the parcel, or,
       if sent  separately,  it should  be  posted  in  time to reach  the addressee before the
       parcel.  If  an  invoice is sent separately the parcel or parcels concerned should be
       marked accordingly.
       ENGLAND—Sec Great Britain
       EQUATORIAL GUINEA—Republic of (Rio Muni and  Macias Nguema  Biyogo
       formerly  Fernando F’o.)
         Letter Post
          Surface   \
          Air Mail   /See Schedules of Letter Rates.
         Dutiable  articles may be sent  by  small  packet  post—up  to  SI00  green  label
       written in Spanish or French and English required;  thereafter top green label and
       form C2/CP3.
         Insurance: No Service.
         Prohibitions:  Coin,  gold,  jewellery,  platinum,  precious  stones,  silver,  bank
       notes, currency notes and documents payable to bearer; playing cards.

         Restrictions: Tobacco.
         Parcel Post
          Surface:  See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
          Air:   No Service.
         Customs  declarations:  3 forms C2/CP3 and  1 despatch  note  CP2  written  in

       Spanish or French and English.
         Insurance: No Service.
         Prohibitions:  Letters, military weapons  and air-guns;  playing cards; potatoes,
       rosaries, relics and similar articles; Spanish bank-notes; tobacco.
         Restrictions:  Jewellery,  precious  stones  and  precious  metals,  pharmaceutical
       preparations; plants and parts thereof.
         Address:  Parcels are accepted only for  Bata, Elobey,  Rcy  Malabo de Macias
       Nguema Biyogo Poand Butuku—Luba
        Delivery: Parcels are not delivered.
       ERITREA—See Ethiopia (including Eritrea)
       ES TONIA—Same as for  U.S.S.R.
       ETHIOPIA (including Eritrea)
        Letter Post
          Surface   \
          Air Mail   j See Schedules of Letter Rates.
        Dutiable  articles  may  be  sent  by  small  packet  post—up  to  S100  green  label
       required; thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
        Items subject to customs  duty are not accepted  in ordinary  and  registered  let­
       ters. Serums, vaccines and urgently required medicaments are admitted in all cases.
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