Page 130 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 130


                    Overseas  Post:  Foreign Countries,  contd.

         Letter Post
           Surface   \
           Air Mail   / See Schedules of Letter Rates.
         Dutiable articles  may be  sent  by  small  packet  post—up  to  S100 green  label
       (written in  Spanish  or  French and English);  required; thereafter top green label
       and form C2/CP3.

       Small packets must not exceed 1 lb in weight.
         Items  subject  to customs  duty  are  not  accepted  in  ordinary  and  registered
       letters. Serums, vaccines and urgently required  medicaments  are admitted  in all
         Items of value (e.g. coins, currency notes, gold etc.) arc not admitted in regis­
       tered letters.
         Insurance: No Service.
         Prohibitions: Books and reviews of a communistic or atheistic nature.
         Restrictions: Plants and seeds.

         The  importation  of  many  other  classes  of  goods  into Colombia  (including
       San Andres and Providencia)  is subject to restrictions and controls.
         Invoice: An invoice in quintuplicate on a form certified by a Colombian Consul
       is required in respect of packets containing goods over 100 pesos in value.
         Parcel Post
          Surface   1
          Air      /  See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
         Insurance: No Service.
         Customs declarations and language: 2 forms C2/CP3 and  1 despatch note CP2.

       Declarations  must  show  the  gross  weight,  net  weight  in  kilogrammes  and  the
       value not increased by costs of transmission or insurance. When one set of custom
       declaration forms is used for a batch of two or three (not  more)  parcels from the
       same sender to the same addressee, the required particulars, with the relative serial
       number of the parcel, must be shown separately for each parcel written in Spanish
       or French and English.
         Prohibitions:  Animal  Products, letters, arms,  parts of arms and ammunition,
       coin of silver, copper or nickel; Colombian postage or fiscal stamps; saccharin,
       except  under  permit;  sprits  and  liqueurs,  clocks,  used  clothing,  coffee,  cocoa,
       chemicals, drugs textile;.
         Restrictions:  Boxes  or  packets  of  cigarettes  and  pressed  tobacco;  patent
       medicines;  plants,  including seeds.
         The importation  of  many  classes  of  goods  into  Columbia  (including  San
       Andres and Providencia)  is controlled.
         Invoice:  A  consular  invoice,  in  quintuplicate,  is  required  for  commercial
       parcels  valued  at  more  than  100  pesos.  All  consular  invoices  must  show  the
       value of the goods in both sterling and  United States dollars.
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