Page 108 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 108


                   Overseas Post:  Foreign Countries, conid.

     BAHRAIN, contd.
       Packing:  Parcels should be very strongly packed.
       Address:  See under Letter Post.
       Delivery:  Parcels are not delivered.
       Compensation  is  not  payable  for  damage  to  uninsured  parcels  containing
     porcelain, glassware and other exceptionally fragile articles.

      Letter Post
        Surface   1 See Schedules of Letter Rates.
        Air Mail   /
      Dutiable  articles:  may  be  sent  by  letter  and  small packet  post—up  to S100
     green  label  written  in  Spanish or French  and  English  required;  thereafter  top
     green label and form C2/CP3.
      Insurance:  Limit SI 10.
      Prohibitions: Charged  butane  gas  lighters and  refills (uncharged  lighters are
     admitted);  cotton  seed,  playing  cards;  Spanish  bank-notes;  tobacco,  lottery
      Restrictions  apply  to  the  importation  of coins,  bank-notes,  jewellery  and
     precious stones; pharmaceutical preparations;  plants and parts of plants; radio­
     active matter; worn clothing must be accompanied by a certificate of disinfection
     issued by a Medical Officer of Health of the country of origin.
      Parcel Post
        Surface:  See  Schedule  of Overseas  Surface  and  Air Parcel  Post  Rates.
        Air:   No Service.
      Customs  declarations:  1  form  C2/CP3  and  1  despatch  note  CP2  written  in
     Spanish  or  French  and  English.  Customs  declarations  must  bear  Post  Office
     serial number of the parcel.
      Insurance:  No Service.
      Prohibitions:  Letters;  charged  butane  gas  lighters  and  refills  (uncharged
     lighters are admitted and should be declared as such on the customs declaration
     form);  military weapons  and air guns;  playing  cards;  potatoes; rosaries; relics
     and similar articles; Spanish bank-notes; tobacco:
      Restrictions:  Animal  products,  films and celluloid, jewellery,  precious  metals
     and  precious  stones;  pharmaceutical  preparations;  plants  and  parts  of  plants.
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